Monday, September 11, 2006

Watch what you say...

On Saturday, I got invited out with a bunch of international students to go grab some food and maybe later end up wandering Wan Chai or something like that. So, we head down to Kennedy Town (located just south of where I live) to find a restaurant.

I was talking with my friend Jerry who is from Germany about several different things (we were at the tail end of a group of about 15) and then we pass a McDonalds. I say to him:

"I feel very proud that I've been here in Hong Kong for what, 10 days now, and I haven't had any American fast food at all."

And I was proud -I've been very good about eating at local restaurants. But then, I do think then God noticed this so-called pride and proceeded to smite my unneeded culinary pride.

Because no sooner did I say that, our group all turned into the KFC two doors down. I don't know when we decided on KFC, I certainly wasn't a part of that decision-making process.

So, here in Hong Kong, with every possible cuisine around me, I had fried chicken, mashed potatoes, corn and some rice palaf thingy.

And you know, it just doesn't taste the same. KFC in the states is so much better, maybe it's the water, or the MSG.

Please Mind the Gap,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this story :-D