Friday, September 01, 2006

Ground Floor, seven stories up.

My friend made an interesting comment today, and I think it’s true for my entry today. He said as we were staring at a overcrowded cemetery “Look, even the dead and the living have to fight for space in Hong Kong.”

I don’t know if he stole that from some famous quotation or whatever. But, I’ll say this, -how appropriate.

Today was my first day in Hong Kong that didn’t consist of Jet Lag. My first initial observation, other than my inability to even purchase tea without it being a humongous deal, is how vertical this city is.

Yea, it has big buildings… I’m not going to make that observation.

Hong Kong is built on, how appropriately, Hong Kong Island, which is a big old mountain. Victoria Peak, the tallest spot, is like at 1,500 feet. Now, that doesn’t sound like a lot. But, the whole island goes from ocean shore to mountain top in maybe, 2-3 miles, max.

So, everything is built on top of itself, it’s crazy.

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