Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Ladies and Gentleman...

Well, the ethernet adapter on my computer is most likely fried. Apple is not sure what's wrong with it. They think the ethernet plug might need to be replaced. It looks like you are not going to get any blog entries from me for this trip.

Sorry, there's not much I can do. I'm using my travel companion's computer, which has a German keyboard (and just a little difficult to type on). This is just not going to work.

It makes me very upset to have to say that....



Unknown said...

Such a pity...well, guess you'll have to resort to the old fashioned use of pen to paper (hopefully you did purchase that travel journal)...

Happy travels, though...

Anonymous said...


That's almost a month of not hearing of your travels until I pick you up from the airport.

Well, if you get this, HAPPY TRAVELS! I have your present for when you come back.