Please mind the gap.
I've typed that about 53 times on this blog since I started it. However, I now have a new gap to mind.
The gap between the mountains in the snow-capped Himalayas.
Hello from Kathmandu in Nepal, and happy new year to you. I have arrived safely in Nepal after a wonderful 5-day off-road adventure through Tibet. I have made it safely courtesy of a Tibetan man named Gelak and a 1980's Toyota Landcruiser with no headrests. I miss that SUV....
I have stood in the face of beautiful monestaries. I have stood in the face of great plateaus of Tibet. And I have stood in the face of Mt. Everest.
Yea, she's pretty fucking spectacular.
I had a wonderful new years party. I partied until 4 a.m. with Nepali locals dancing to Indian and Nepali dance music and drinking Danish beer.
I am here in Nepal for 4 days, and then I move onto India. I am actually now slowing down my trip a bit. I return to Hong Kong in 6 days -- at that point, you'll all get 40983428 bazillion pictures and much more detail about what I have seen.
My audience. I must say -- I have seen some wonderful and tragic things in my trip, and it has truly opened my eyes. I have seen things that has given me some purpose in life and has provided me a wondeful opportunity to see cultures I have only read about.
The people of the world are truly amazing. I am having a wondeful time getting to know them, however for so briefly.
Bless you all... and I miss you all very deeply. You'll see me very soon.
Love you Jenna and Ian!